Academics » Tindley Summit Academy Instructional Vision

Tindley Summit Academy Instructional Vision

Summit Instructional Why

We believe that all scholars no matter race, ethnicity, gender, or economic status deserve an equal opportunity education. Through this education, each scholar can reach their desired greatness. 


Our Vision for Math Instruction

In every math classroom, scholars engage with high-quality, rigorous, grade-level mathematics instruction in order to gain the strong foundations of solid conceptual understanding, procedural skill and fluency, and the ability to apply the mathematics they know to solve problems. Math instruction is grounded in these foundational skills, constantly driving towards academic excellence for all scholars, and preparing them for impactful, post-college contributions to the world and the community around them. Tindley leaders, teachers, and scholars create and contribute to environments that foster social-emotional wellness, and build a strong culture of error while promoting productive struggle. The Tindley community commits to continue examining and addressing bias by identifying cultural, social, and emotional barriers that prevent learning, paving the way for all scholars to be lifelong mathematicians.


Our Vision for ELA Instruction

In every literacy classroom, scholars will engage with complex, grade-level texts in order to think critically, write clearly, communicate effectively, and read for meaning. ELA instruction begins with a focus on foundational skills, empowering scholars to contribute to a literary community and develop an increasingly rich vocabulary. Scholars build a stronger understanding of themselves and others through texts that are culturally responsive and historically accurate, decenter whiteness, and expose them to a wide range of cultural perspectives. Through engagement with relevant texts, scholars develop an enjoyment of reading and embrace lifelong learning through literacy. 


All scholars deserve mathematics instruction that attends to the full depth of the standard and aspect(s) of rigor. Scholars are given the opportunity to use mathematical reasoning to deeply understand mathematical concepts, to solve problems efficiently and accurately, and to understand the real-world application of their problem-solving.


All scholars deserve math instruction that is culturally responsive and grounded in strong relationships. Students are positioned to construct an image of themselves as mathematical experts at the collegiate level.


All scholars deserve to understand that problems can be approached in many different ways. Scholars take ownership for effectively applying different problem-solving strategies to meaningfully engage with mathematical concepts.



All scholars deserve opportunities to fearlessly discuss and engage with grade-level mathematical concepts with fidelity. Scholars use mathematical reasoning to construct viable arguments, evaluate multiple representations, reflect on the process, and critique the reasoning of others.

All scholars deserve access to strong literacy foundational skills instruction in K–2, including basic print concepts, phonics, and decoding. These foundational skills prepare scholars to be lifelong learners.


All scholars deserve to read and comprehend complex grade-level texts. Scholars read across multiple modes and genres and are exposed to increasingly rich vocabulary.


All scholars deserve to answer strong, text-dependent questions that go beyond recall. Teachers’ questions support scholars to unlock the deeper meaning of a text; push scholars to defend their responses with relevant, accurate evidence; and intentionally keep the cognitive lift on students


All scholars deserve opportunities to improve their thinking, reading, and writing. Scholars collaborate and discuss ideas with classmates; analyze high-quality examples; receive feedback from teachers and peers; and revise their work